Lowrider Arcade II This Saturday!!

From Phil Segura, Organizer of SF Bike Expo
"Hello All,
The light at the end of the tunnel is the SF Bike Expo train and it is coming up fast. Thank you for your participation!
Just a reminder to review the vendor information in the following link.


There is a Friday move in and we’ll be at the Cow Palace till 9 PM to accommodate you. Further instructions and booth assignments will follow over the next couple of days. Also, FYI, we are also trying to group “like” vendors together next to their key events. For instance, the frame builders and those that requested will be next to the Cross Palace and the clothing and soft goods vendors will be near the Fashion Show.

There are booths available if you know anyone on the fence. Please let them know.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Thank you for your support!"

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